Marcel Evers

Marcel Evers staat ondernemingen, aandeelhouders, bestuurders en commissarissen bij in ondernemingsrechtelijke geschillen en spoedeisende crisissituaties. Daarnaast behandelt hij uiteenlopende commerciële geschillen en aansprakelijkheidszaken. Marcel procedeert regelmatig, zowel bij de Ondernemingskamer en de gewone civiele rechter als in arbitragezaken. Ook wordt hij regelmatig door de Ondernemingskamer benoemd tot onderzoeker of beheerder van aandelen in enquêteprocedures. Marcel is tevens hoofdredacteur van het Tijdschrift voor de Ondernemingsrechtpraktijk.

Voorbeelden van werk

  • Advocaat in vele enquêteprocedures bij de Ondernemingskamer, o.a. in de zaken betreffende: stichting Schaderegelingskantoor voor Rechtsbijstandverzekering (SRK), Deus ex Machina (D.E.M.) B.V., Hillfresh, Mega Windforce, Steelframe Beheer, TRM Holding, Xeikon, Loda Beheer, ZED+, Slotervaartziekenhuis, Harbour Antibodies, Leaderland, DB Wealth Management, Petro Ventures Europe, AmsterdamGold, RVDD Accountants, Van der Moolen, AAA Automotive, Golf Management Group, Rickley International, e-Traction, TESN.
  • Advocaat van alle Nederlandse Volkswagen, Audi, Seat en Škoda dealers in de dieselzaak betreffende voertuigen met een EA 189 dieselmotor.
  • Advocaat van investeringsfondsen Triodos OGF Luxco en Social Impact Ventures in het geschil over de verkoop van Marqt aan Udea Beheer.
  • Advocaat van Burford Capital en diverse institutionele investeringsfondsen naar aanleiding van de door meubelconcern Steinhoff bekend gemaakte boekhoudkundige onregelmatigheden.
  • Vertegenwoordiging van bondholders in de schadeloosstellingsprocedure naar aanleiding van de nationalisatie van SNS Reaal.
  • Vertegenwoordigde Finmeccanica (de voormalige moedermaatschappij van AnsaldoBreda) in het geschil met NS en NMBS over de Fyra V-250 treinen en bij de getroffen schikking.
  • The standout lawyer is Marcel Evers. I have come across many other lawyers but no one compares to him. He is sharp, pragmatic, versatile (also adept in tax and finance matters) and a pleasure to work with.
    LEGAL 500 2024
  • Marcel Evers has full command of corporate litigation and liability matters, mastering the details of the file and working two steps ahead of the case while guiding and empowering his team like they are one.
    LEGAL 500 2024
  • Marcel Evers is one of the best litigators in the Netherlands. Extremely sharp, committed, and highly experienced. Moreover, he is highly appreciated by his peers.
    LEGAL 500 2024
  • Marcel Evers is a great strategic thinker, always one step ahead of the game.
    Chambers Global 2024
  • He is hands-on, practical and a very good litigator.
    Chambers Global 2024
  • Marcel Evers is exceptionally strategic, which is very helpful in complex litigation.
    LEGAL 500
  • It is not without reason that Marcel Evers is so highly respected in Dutch legal practice. Most would agree that he has set the standard high where corporate litigation is concerned: smart, knowledgeable, and usually two steps ahead in the thought process.
    LEGAL 500
  • Marcel Evers is a great strategic thinker, who is always one step ahead of the game. Because of the level of detail and excellent strategic choices that he helped us make, we won the case with flying colours.
    LEGAL 500
  • The thing we appreciated most with him was that he provided very clear and pragmatic legal advice.
  • Marcel Evers is an excellent, experienced, analytical and sharp lawyer.
  • He is truly a safe pair of hands and a trusted adviser.
  • A very intelligent strategist who thinks beyond the mere legal aspects of the matter and truly thinks in the interest of his clients.
  • A seasoned, well experienced, approachable partner with a great capability to draw a line between the legal aspects and the commercial impact.
    LEGAL 500
  • Combines great analytical skills and profound understanding of the case, with rock solid legal knowledge, strategic and tactics and very convincing litigation skills in the courtroom.
    LEGAL 500
  • Clear, pragmatic and accurate advice and understanding of the client's needs.
  • Strong industry knowledge.
  • Great combination of technical skills and pragmatic, solution-oriented approach.
  • Inspires confidence because he has a depth of relevant knowledge.
  • Impressed with his performance in the court hearing: he had the right tone of voice, and his responses were sharp and to the point.
  • Energetic, fair and focused on quality.
    LEGAL 500
  • Combines strategy with incredible knowledge of the law and the facts.
    LEGAL 500
  • Excellent and pragmatic.
    LEGAL 500
  • Publicaties

    Bekijk het overzicht

  • Andere werkervaring

    Voor de oprichting van Evers Soerjatin was Marcel oprichter en partner van De Breij Evers Boon (2005 – 2017). Daarvoor was hij advocaat bij De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek (2000 – 2005). Sinds 2008 is Marcel lid van de redactie van het Tijdschrift voor de Ondernemingsrechtpraktijk.

  • Opleiding

    Specialisatieopleiding Corporate Litigation, Grotius Academie (cum laude, 2005)
    Fiscaal recht, Universiteit van Amsterdam (2000)
    Nederlands recht, Universiteit Utrecht (1998)

  • Lidmaatschappen

    Vereniging Corporate Litigation
    De Vereeniging Handelsrecht
    Stichting Rimari (stichting voor Ondernemingskamer functionarissen)

  • Talen

    Nederlands, Engels